Just a bunch of passionate people coming together to form a Brisbane Zero Waste community, drinking coffee in KeepCups and cleaning up your litter.
I was fortunate enough to be a part of the first ever Brisbane Zero Waste community meet up, where I met some like-minded people interested in taking care of this beautiful world we live in. It’s disappointing that there aren’t more events like this in Brisbane and I guess that’s due to the lack of community within our city. But all it took was a girl on Instagram to reach out to other people concerned with living a more sustainable lifestyle, to bring us all together.
Hearing the dynamic journeys of each individual and how their passion for Zero Waste unfolded was truly invigorating. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only crazy person who hates plastic straws and drags along a huge handbag to accommodate for every Zero Waste possibility!
Once the Brisbane Zero Waste crew had polished off their coffees, we strolled through the popular West End Park along the Brisbane River, armed with gloves and bags to collect all the litter we could find. Within a bare 10 minutes we had stuffed our bags full to the brim with countless plastic straws, balloon pieces, empty plastic bottles and other vast varieties of plastic, including a half full bottle of lube!
It was tragic to see how much litter had rolled down the bank and into the Brisbane River. We had gathered as much as we could from the mangroves but there were still pieces of plastic floating in the waves of the passing Brisbane Citycats.
All this plastic is continuously washing down the Brisbane River and into the ocean where it is literally suffocating our vulnerable marine animals. It was truly a reminder to why we attempt to live a Zero Waste lifestyle; to reduce this horrific waste and limit our impact on the environment.
We need more passionate people like YOU reading this blog to join us in our war against waste. You don’t have to be a ‘fit all my waste into a jar’ Zero Waster (because let’s be honest who actually is) to be part of this Brisbane Zero Waste tribe. Just arm yourself with some gloves and prepare yourself for some positive vibes.
Join the Brisbane Zero Waste community next time, at the end of each month to clean up different locations around Brisbane, to make a dent in the ever growing plastic pollution.
Check out the Litterless Living Facebook page for up to date details on the next Brisbane Zero Waste Clean up!
If there are any areas in Brisbane you think need cleaning up, let me know in the comments below.
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